Process Flow Pull-Out for Repair
- The client can call or email the Help Desk of Customer Service to ask for assistance with the unit for repair. Also, the client can call or email the Sales Agent handling their account for assistance with the unit for repair.
- The client will be asked of the details depending on the 2 options on the above choices with the report on their concern with the unit for repair. The Help Desk will assigned the Ticket Number for Reference. Service Report Draft will be accomplished. The Technical Support will be asked to attend to your concern for isolation over the phone or will email you on your concern.
Please take note that details are necessary for the Ticket Number Reference such as:
- Date
- Ticket Number as reference
- Company Name
- Contact Person
- Contact Number
- Company Address
- Unit Model
- Serial Number
- Problem Reported
- Email Address
- Remarks for special request, special details and special note with the unit
Please take note that details are necessary for the Service Report Draft such as:
- Date
- Draft Number
- Company Name
- Warranty Date and/or Purchase Date
- Address
- Contact Person
- Contact Number
- Model
- Serial Number
- Isolation Findings (Isolated By, Date and Time Start and Date and Time Finish) and Parts Requested
- Action Taken (Repaired By, Date and Time Start and Date and Time Finish) and Remarks
- Problem Reported
- Parts Request
- For In-warranty, the repair will proceed immediately.
If Parts will need replacement: Please take note of the following:
- If Part is available the repair will proceed immediately.
- If Parts is not available, the spare parts needed will be requested that will take time in 2-3 weeks and/or depending of the delivery of the supplier but the client will be updated.
- The client will be advised through call or email with the schedule of the pull-out of the Technical Support. The details will be given to the client with the Name of the Technical Support who will handle the pull-out of the unit. The Technical Support will show his/her Identification Card to the client.
The client will secure necessary permits for the Technical Support who will enter the premises of the building if needed.
- The Technical Support will bring necessary documents for the pull-out such as:
Please take note that details are necessary for the Control Form such as:
- Date
- In or Out Status
- Control Form Number
- Warranty In/Out
- Company Name
- Address
- Contact Person
- Contact Number
- Quantity
- Description
- Serial Number
- Prepared By
- Approved By
- Remarks
- Replacement Received By
- Pull-out Received By
- For Repair Released By
- Client will receive an update with the pull-out of the unit the following day. The client will receive an email with the Service Report done with the unit.
- The Help Desk will call or send email with the client to arrange schedule of the delivery of the repaired unit. The Technical Support assigned will visit the client to deliver the unit and will present proper documents to client.
Service Report details are as follows:
- Service Report Number
- Date
- Company Name
- Address
- Contact Person
- Contact Number
- Warranty status
- Quantity
- Problem Reported
- Remarks
- Action Taken
- Service By
- Time-in
- Time-out
- Approved By
- Date
- The client will receive an after sales call or email to close the transaction once the unit is repaired and working.